Body Armor EP 747: Fixing hip pain with Resisted 90-90 Stretch
Body Armor EP 746: Pregnancy modifications for toes-to-bar part 5: Lower Racked Barbell Toes-To-Bar
Body Armor EP 745: Pregnancy modifications for toes-to-bar part 4: Box Supported Single Leg Toes...
Body Armor EP 744: Pregnancy modifications for toes-to-bar part 3: Alternating Strict Wide...
Body Armor EP 743: Pregnancy modifications for toes-to-bar part 2: Alternating Leg Raises
Body Armor EP 742: Pregnancy modifications for toes-to-bar part 1: Wide Hanging Knee Raises
Body Armor EP 741: Reduce leaking with lifting in the gym by focusing on free breathing
Body Armor EP 740: Improve shoulder strength with The Turkish Get-Up
Body Armor EP 739: Fixing shoulder tension with Upper Trap Smash
Body Armor EP 738: Fixing mid back pain part 3: with Rhomboid Smash
Body Armor EP 737: Fixing mid back pain part 2: with Deep Squat Thoracic Extension
Body Armor EP 736: Fixing mid back pain with Foam Roller Thoracic Extension
Body Armor EP 735: Fixing shoulder pain with Resisted D2 Flexion
Body Armor EP 734: Fixing hip pain with Hip CARS
Body Armor EP 733: Fixing hip pain with L-Sit Leg Lift-Overs
Body Armor EP 732: Fixing knee pain with Heel Elevated Lunges
Body Armor EP 730: Fixing urinary leakage while jumping rope with Heel Drops
Body Armor EP 729: Fixing back, hip and knee pain and promoting power and stability for daily...
Body Armor EP 728: Fixing back and hip pain and promoting stable base for lifting and running...
Body Armor EP 726: Fixing hip and knee band with Banded Lateral Walks