Your shoulders are in pain, they are not healthy, you're not able to lift as much weight...
Body Armor By Tank Ep 26; Knee pain can wreck your ability to squat... fix it!
Body Armor By Tank Ep 25; Best way to earn a better squat? Squat more.
Body Armor By Tank Ep 24; Need A better squat? Sit Cross legged for time
Body Armor By Tank Ep 23; A fix for tight quads and tight knees - Sit Backs
Body Armor By Tank Ep 22; Earn A better Front Rack - Triceps Smash with Barbell
Body Armor By Tank Ep 21; Fix your Thoracic Spine Banded Rotation for a better Overhead Squat
Making T2B easier is really this easy...
Your tight shoulders and lats are absolutely robbing you of overhead strength...
Fix Your Tight hips and lift more weight with this...
Body Armor by Tank Ep 12: Posterior Shoulder Lacrosse Ball Mobilization for a Better Front Rack!
Body Armor By Tank Ep 11; Seated Arm Wall Circles for a better overhead squat!
Body Armor By Tank Ep 10; Lift More Overhead with the PVC Overhead Mobilization
Tackle all your problems with 1 completely personalized coaching program!
New Podcast! Meet Holly Tabor of Crossfit Coordinate in Cary, NC
Joe Ogburn of Triangle Crossfit!
First steps to address back pain!
Balance these 3 things for long term health and maximal performance!
The Hip Flexor Mobilization that actually works!
Open up your Squat, Fix your Hip Pain!