Body Armor EP 906: Improve your nagging hip pain with this Supine Hip Flexion Drill
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 905: Get back to the basics, let's Bridge!
Body Armor EP 904: Get rid of that nagging hip flexor pain!
Body Armor EP 903: Continue to train the deadlift even with low back discomfort
Body Armor EP 902: Improve your hip flexibility and get rid of that pinching hip pain!
Body Armor EP 898: Improve flexibility at hip and knee with the Couch Stretch
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 889: Tight hips no more! Unglue those adductors!
Body Armor EP 888: Floss out those hamstrings for better deadlifts
Body Armor EP 887: Simple. Effective. Hip Opener.
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 885: Tight hips? Maybe it's your ankles
Body Armor EP 881: Explore those end ranges of rotation for better performing and healthier hips!
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?