Body Armor EP 663: Fixing ankle weakness with Banded Circles
Body Armor EP 659: Fixing knee pain with Runner's Lunge with Calf Mobilization
Body Armor EP 652: Fixing hip and knee pain with Banded Pigeon Stretch (Lower Extremity Mobility...
Body Armor EP 651: Fixing hip and knee pain with Banded Modified World's Greatest Stretch (Lower...
Body Armor EP 650: Fixing lateral hip pain with Banded Inferior Capsule/Posterior Rotation Stretch..
Body Armor EP 649: Fixing lower extremity pain with Banded Downward Dog Stretch (Lower Extremity...
Body Armor EP 642: Fixing hip pain with Isolated Hip Abduction
Body Armor EP 613: Daily habit for the body and mind! Meditation with Hip Care
Body Armor EP 612: Daily habit for the body and mind! Meditation with Breath Work
Body Armor EP 566: Your hips are super tight, the Super Couch Stretch to the rescue!
Body Armor EP 565: Daily habit for the body and mind! Meditation with Hip Care
Body Armor EP 564: Daily habit for the body and mind! Meditation with Breath Work
Body Armor EP 550: In-line lunge with Pallof Hold for a stronger midline
Body Armor EP 549: Getting back on the court after a sprained ankle with the Single Leg Line Jump
Body Armor EP 548: Eliminate foot pain, get back to running... Let's shake hands with your feet
Body Armor EP 547: Improving leg pain but improving strength with the Single Leg Hip Thrust
Body Armor EP 545: Feet, ankle, and shin pain still bothering you after your Turkey Trott last...
Body Armor EP 542: Strict knees to elbow for a healthier back!
Body Armor EP 536: Eliminate shin splints with the Resisted Pronation RNF Calf Raise
Body Armor EP 535: Fixing knee pain with the Slant Board Banded Step Down