Body Armor EP 1128: Unable to deadlift due to sharp low back pain? Let these Banded Hinges help...
Body Armor EP 1127: Low back feeling rusty? Loosen it up and build some capacity with this Loaded...
Body Armor EP 1126: Pain preventing you from completing abmat sit-ups or GHD sit-ups? Put out the...
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 1125: Improve your squat mobility using 90/90 Hip Rotations with Fold
Body Armor EP 1123: Move through your back pain with Half Kneeling Banded Chops
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 1118: Improve your technique while doing Bird Dogs
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 1114: Groin pain hindering your ability to squat to depth? Try this Standing Hip...
Body Armor EP 1112: Good mornings not so good? Try this Seated Version and return to good mornings..
Body Armor EP 1111: Make that pain bow out with these Curtsie Lunges
Body Armor EP 1104: A Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch and Eccentric Split Squat for your tight hips
Body Armor EP 1103: Strengthen your core with the Bear Hold
Body Armor EP 1102: Front Foot Elevated Split Squats for quad strengthening and knee pain
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 1100: Sharp pain with squats, box jumps, wall balls, etc? Calm it down with these...
Body Armor EP 1098: Do you fold over and face the ground when trying to squat? Use this Long...
Body Armor EP 1097: Hip pain with hinge movements? Try this Seated Hip Flexion over a target to...
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?