Body Armor By Tank Ep 122: Fix your neck tightness with the neck Lacrosse ball massageDr. Michael TanciniJan 18, 20211 min readYour Problem: You're stressed and Your neck just feels way too tight! Your Solution: Neck Lacrosse ball massage Your Result: Decrease stress, decrease tension, enjoy your day more
Your Problem: You're stressed and Your neck just feels way too tight! Your Solution: Neck Lacrosse ball massage Your Result: Decrease stress, decrease tension, enjoy your day more
Body Armor EP 1171: Use this trick to emphasize your hips more during split squatsBody Armor EP 1171: Use this trick to emphasize your hips more during split squats Your Problem: Hip pain Your Solution: Split Squat with...
Body Armor EP 1170: Use Banded Forward Step Downs to keep your knees healthyBody Armor EP 1170: Use Banded Forward Step Downs to keep your knees healthy Your Problem: Knee pain/a history of knee injuries Your...