Make sure you keep healthy, quality, and filling snacks on hand. Being prepared will be a quick way to through you from your nutritional and health goals.
Here are our weekly Peanut Butter Balls. Healthy, Fast, Filling, Easy, Travels well, good macro profile. Perfect for snacks on the go.
Grass-Fed Whey Protein with No added sugars or chemicals
Pitted Dates
Peanut Butter
Flax Seed
Super Easy to make, Super Easy to bring with you places, super delicious!
It's time you put the effort forward to be the best healthiest version of you, and I've got the answer to help you do just that!
The Performance plus program helps you dial in Training, Nutrition, and your Health to create the best you possible.
Imagine new PR's, having energy without pain, and living a happier life...I can help you get there.
Lets chat. Send me the words "Let's do this!" and let's get you moving towards the best year of your life.