You love to lift heavy.
You've been told by your doctors that you "probably shoulder squat deep or deadlift heavy."
We're here to tell you the opposite. Lifting heavy is an integral part of being a resilient human. You should lift heavy on a regular basis.
Many athletes come to us because their pain doesn't let them lift heavy. We work with them to fix the problem at the root, eliminate their pain, and help them lift HEAVIER in the future!
#Crossfit #prehab #rehab #performancetraining #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #endurancetraining #gainz #snatch #cleanandjerk #pullups #gymnastics #barbell #squat #deadlift #press #olympicweightlifting #powerlifting
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Trying to find a way to resolve your problems [at the root], return to the workouts you love, and avoid an unnecessary surgery, medication, or injection?
Contact me by clicking here!
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I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1